
Monday, February 25, 2019

Announcing the first LeSS course in Hyderabad

Happy to announce the first LeSS course in Hyderabad. 

Certified LeSS practitioner: From Principles to Practices.

Here is the link to register 

Date: March 15th, 16th and 17th 2019

Are we running backwards agilists ?

There has been some discussions in the Systems Thinking community about the dilution of ideas. I see similar challenges in the agile world as well. The market is changing so fast that the companies are always trying to catch up.
This is exactly where the agility is needed.
Creating a nimble(agile) organisation in this complex environment is challenging and needs thinking. However, thinking is hard and needs time and energy. Moreover, the senior leaders in the organisation have short turn around time to produce results. They want best practices to be given rather than sit and discuss various options. In this whole process, the agility that needs to be handled from the complex domain, would be treated like a simple problem by applying the best practices approach. In addition, celebrity endorsed methods, practices with quick fixes are embraced rather than building something that suits the purpose of the organisation. I personally feel that, the current state of agile implementation is akin to hamster running on wheel. We think that by constantly changing frameworks and methods, we are making a good progress. Everyone is running fast, exhausted but staying wherever we are.. even worst.. sometimes I ask myself are we running backwards ? :-)
What do you think ?

Feel free to join the Linkedin Discussion here

Thursday, February 21, 2019

System Kaizen over Point

One of the popular ways to "manage" queues in product development is to set up WIP (Work In Progress) limits and it has its benefits. However, we also need to be aware of the fact that, WIP limits are effective when it is done keeping the overall systemic improvement in context. If the organisation is siloed with a lot of interdependencies across the teams, then setting WIPs in individual siloed teams, could create unintended consequences, possibly creating a bigger queue somewhere else. System kaizen should be encouraged rather than the point and eliminating the queues is preferred than just managing it. We will be discussing some of these concepts during the upcoming LeSS course in Sydney on March 4th, 5th and 6th. Reach out to me for further details..

is Hierarchical organisational model bad ?

Most of us say that hierarchical organisations are bad and not suitable for product development/knowledge related work. At the same time, I have started believing that, it is not the hierarchy as such that is causing the havoc but it is the way the organisation is structured within the hierarchy. Product development environment is supposed to be collaborative and cross functional. When the org structure doesn't support the collaborative nature, it leads to sub-optimal results. One can still have a networked model structure or a holocratic structure, but if it doesn't support the collaboration and cross functionality, product development would fail. Question is.. is it the model(networked, hierarchical, etc) or the structure that is driving the behaviour the outcome ? Just to clarity, the structure includes the way the model is organised, HR policies, etc.

Certified LeSS Practitioner: From Principles to Practices Sydney 4th, 5th and 6th 2019

The registration for the upcoming LeSS course in Sydney has started... the early bird closes 24th Feb. Hurry as we have limited seats. Please find the course registration details below. Please reach out to me if you need further details

You can register for the course here