
Thursday, February 01, 2018

Fascinating LAST Conference 2017

Today I had the opportunity to speak at the LAST conference and what a fascinating event. I have been attending the LAST conference since it took birth several years ago in Melbourne, and each year it had made the impact on hundreds of Agilists across the city.
People like Craig Brown, Ed Wong, Peter lam are working with the agile community around to make it not only valuable but affordable as well.
LAST is also expanding to Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra. Check this link out for more details.
During today's session, I shared about the 5 relationships of the Product owner(PO), including the difference between clarification and prioritisation role of a PO.
Here is the picture that explains the 5 relationships. I have made this available under Creative Commons with Attribution.
If you are keen to deep dive into Large-Scale Scrum and learn more about the topics on scaling, feel free to register for my upcoming courses in the following cities:
Sydney: July 10th, 11th and 12th. Register here
Melbourne: Aug 21st, 22nd and 23rd. Register here
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.

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