
Thursday, February 01, 2018

3 days of CLP Fun and Learning: Thank you Sydney

Returned from Sydney last week after successfully completing the 3 days of Certified LeSS Practitioner(CLP) program. It is a privilege to lead, facilitate, share and learn while training highly experienced and committed individuals.
All the 3 days included a lot of open discussions, interactions and enabling the teams to apply Systems Thinking while descaling the complexities of the organisations.
Here are some selected pix:

Causal Loop Modelling


A lot of learning

Discussions, interactions, exercises and challenges to solve

Do you want to be part of another fun filled learning as part of Certified LeSS Practitioner Course in Melbourne ?
Please register for the upcoming CLP Course: From principles to practices starting Aug 21st for 3 days. The link to register is here.
Feel free to reach out with any questions.

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