The Big myth The above statement is as big a myth as the one which says Agile projects follow no documentation The answers I got… I had asked one of those in-experienced scrum coaches the following questions,
The answers surprised me a lot, the answers were
Does maturity comes with Age ? My view is, maturity to a person does not come with age or more experience at work. Secondly, concepts like self organizing and self managing teams need the fundamental value, trust to succeed than any software development skill or experience. I strongly believe that, individual team members shouldn’t be blamed. This is because, the culture followed within the team is strongly influenced by the person leading the team. According to the greatest thinker, Peter Senge,
So, if a junior team member is not doing his/her assigned job, instead of blaming him/her, we should look at the system which is driving this character within them. |
Success of Agile projects does not depend on the experiences of the team members but on the fundamental value driving the system.