
Thursday, February 01, 2018

Upcoming Sydney LeSS Course: March 26th - 28th, 2018

Happy to announce my upcoming Certified LeSS Practitioner(CLP) course in Sydney starting from March 26th till 28th 2018.
The 3 days CLP is highly interactive session with in depth Q &As, discussions, including a lot of hands-on activities. Several highly informative videos and talks which are carefully selected from thousands are discussed during the 3 days of experiential learning.
Here is what participants say attending my courses:
  • Great Delivery, Great Examples, Group chat worked excellent, Great Videos
  • Great Informal Style, Boosting collaboration
  • The open discussions and listening to others discussing their case studies was fantastic
Teams from large telecom, financial, insurance, defense, retail and members from the top management consultancy firms have attended the courses so far. Team members with various roles from programmers, PMs, Testers,BAs, Agile coaches to senior management have received immense benefits by attending this course.
You can enroll for the upcoming Sydney course through this link here
Here are some of the pictures from various courses and activities
People will deep dive into conversations on LeSS principles, which includes Queuing Theory, Systems Thinking, Lean Thinking, etc.
Here is the link to register for the upcoming course.
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.
Note: Group discounts available in addition to hardship.

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