
Thursday, February 01, 2018

LeSS conference London: Key snippets, announcements

LeSS conference is designed in such a way that, participants learn the large-scale facilitation techniques in addition to practicing many of the LeSS ceremonies. This is more of an unconference than a conference. I never felt that stiff-neck that I typically see in most of the conferences.
For example, the conference started with a Bas's keynote followed by Craig's playing his guitar

Continuing from last year's tradition, self-designing experiment was conducted with nearly 150 participants. Teams went through 3 iterations before forming their teams.
We did an open space, providing opportunity for participants to choose the topics of their own interest.
Several luminaries and thought leaders presented some of the deepest ideas around technical practices and product development. One thing which is different at LeSS conference, per my observation was that the speakers were not invited based on their popularity, but based on their deep knowledge in certain areas.  
Nowadays, in many conferences, I see the same faces again and again. Mostly, the popular speakers are invited. There is nothing wrong with that, but it ends up feeling like a celebrity show rather than a learning platform. 
Here are some additional pix of speakers presenting and various games that were played during the session
We also had a panel discussion with the LeSS trainers
a little bit of self-promotion :-)
The conference ended with Bazaar style reviews and retrospectives.
As I shared at the beginning of the post, LeSS conference is unique. Participants are not there just sitting and listening to the monologue of the speakers. But they really "participate" in every activity and learn the essence of LeSS during every minute of the conference.
Last but not least, a new video introducing LeSS has been created, and it is really awesome. Don't forget to check this out:

Looking forward to see you in the next one.
Before I sign off from this post, have announced my upcoming Certified LeSS Practitioner courses in Sydney and Melbourne. I would be covering many facilitation techniques, ceremonies with in-depth conversations on product development applying LeSS during the 3 days course. Hope to see you in my next one.
Here are the links to register for the course:

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