
Thursday, February 01, 2018

Descale organisation and reduce compleixty

The common question in the IT organisations of large enterprises is,
"which is the best scaling framework available in the market for us to use? "
Most of the time, when someone asks this question, they are saying, we are doing large programs of work, and it is out of control. Is there a solution to bring it "under control"?
I believe that we should avoid doing multi-year pronged, large programs of work. There are various reasons for this, poor/forced estimation to satisfy the stakeholders to fit into timelines, hand-offs, bottlenecks due to dependencies and in addition to the multi-layered Tayloristic management structure.
Each of the above issues, in turn, pushes the organisations away from agility rather than embracing it.
One of the studies has found that the large IT programs have delivered 56% less value than predicted.
Every step in the large IT programs delivery is riddled with land-mines of complexity. Trying to find a scaling framework to help the organisations walk through these mazes of land-mines with Tayloristic bureaucratic structure is a wrong question to ask.
Instead, one should be asking,
How can we simplify the organisation, reduce complexity and be Agile?
This is where the Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) framework comes into the picture. LeSS recommends organisations to avoid doing large, multi-site programs. However, if you are already doing it, then LeSS helps in reducing the complexity, descale the organisations while delivering the program.
Finding a scaling solution that suits existing Tayloristic management structure is more like putting a band-aid. It's short term thinking. The long term thinking is to remove the root-causes of the problem that is hurting organisations in addition to delivering the highest value to the customers, maintaining agility.

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