
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Correlation does not imply causation


After every Agile conference, agilists return back to work with tons of new ideas.  They get excited about these new ideas and would be looking forward to roll them out sooner than later. However, based on my past experiences, I have realized that many ideas could do more harm than being helpful.  This is not because ideas we hear at conferences aren’t good, however, what we assume as the “idea” behind success may not be the “one” causing the success.

Popular ideas being borrowed in the Agile community include the Spotify’s  tribes/guilds, Google’s 20% innovation time and many more. In this advisor, I am challenging the readers to think before they act and understand the hidden secret’s of success.

Here is link to the complete article. image

This advisor has been written to enable the Agile conferences attendees to look deeper about the “causation” aspect rather than the “correlation” .

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