
Sunday, January 06, 2013

Most popular posts

Thought would kick start  2013 blogging by sharing all time popular posts from my blog.

Here is the list of Top 10, ordered from most viewed at the top

  1. Metrics in Agile development
  2. Kanban vs Scrum Myths and Hype– Guest Post
  3. The Rise and Fall of the chaos report
  4. Difference between Sprint and Iteration
  5. Backlog Prioritization techniques
  6. Scrum + Continuous Delivery
  7. Does it make sense to use MS Project in Agile Proj...
  8. Scrum Meeting – Punishment by collecting $ is it t...
  9. Applying Agile/Scrum practices in Maintenance proj...
  10. Agile Teams to Avoid

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the list, now I easily brek down my views. Many of it was reely helpful during my software projects.
