
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Impact of culture on Agile practices –Why now ?

There are several forums discussing this topic of impact of different cultures on Agile practices. Have you wondered why is this topic suddenly gaining so much of importance now ?.  Specifically, a lot of questions are being asked in the context of implementing Agile practices.


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I definitely see that culture drives how people interact with each other.  Since most of the Agile projects follow the Value
“Individuals and Interactions over process and tools”,  these interactions start highlighting the impact of culture on the way we work.


In traditional waterfall model,  interactions were minimal, and there was no demand on the people to do so.  For example, there was no need for them to attend the daily stand ups to share their bottlenecks, there were no retrospectives  nor show cases.

Following practices implemented in Agile projects improves the interactions

1.  Daily Stand ups or Scrum meetings
2.  Product Owner Demos or Reviews
3.  Showcases
4.  Retrospectives
5.  Sitting together with no cubicle boundaries
6   Co-located teams
7.  Use of Wikis  as opposed to Sharepoint

In the next few days I am planning to write some articles on the actual impact of culture on some of the practices.

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