
Sunday, May 08, 2011

PMI is offering Agile Certification

image Finally the PMI, big dinosaur as per agilists,  is offering the Agile certification.  Even though PMI is famous for its waterfallish process support, but its team looks like finally has woken up by the noise Agile methods like Scrum, XP is creating in the universe.

Take a look at PMI’s  Agile website for more details.
On and off, we keep hearing about  Agile certifications being offered by Scrum Alliance and other well known organizations. However, so far many of them have either not taken off successfully or have died down after a brief hype.    Now PMI, too seems to be planning to offer  Agile Certification, need to wait and see if it gains popularity.  check out the  PMI’s Agile Certification FAQ from here.

PMI seems to have taken help from Agile thought leaders like Alistair Cockburn, Mike Griffiths, Michele Sliger, etc  in making the Agile certification happen. These people carry a lot of credibility in the Agile world, and so, we could definitely expect a quality Agile certification from PMI in the end.


I still believe that these certifications will improve the knowledge but can’t change a man(or a woman)


  1. I hope this time Agile gets its share of luck, i meant the lion's share of luck :)

  2. Good job. Keep going on...

  3. I think once you have a PMP it will easy be to get Agile certification.
