
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Scrum @ Home

image Many scrummers have been implementing Scrum practices outside of Work but silently. 

My own example of

* Using  Information Radiators to track progress of tasks at home,
* Prioritizing the work,
* Retrospective with my family, etc.  

Recently I came across few blogs where Scrum practitioners are sharing info about applying Scrum practices outside work. 

Check them out here

Scrum For Kids
Scrum in Schools

You can also see few pictures of  how Saturday Chores could be handled in Sprints

. Don’t miss reading the details about how Sprint Planning was done, tasks picked by kids, etc just below the picture.

It is fun to see all this and at the same time good perspective of how Scrum can be applied outside work.

Are you getting any new ideas now to apply Scrum @ home ?

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