
Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 1 of Agile Bengaluru 2010

Just returned home from the ASCI Agile Bengaluru 2010 session. The event was well planned and organized.

See full size imageThe session started with  David Hussman’s Discovery and Delivery - Redesigning Agility.

I realized that every presentation by Jeff Patton and Dave revolved around discovery and Delivery.

image Next session that I attended was by Jeff Patton. He is a very knowledgeable guy and  I enjoyed his session on User Story mapping. More info about this technique can be found here


Here is the gist of the session

Most of the time people relate Features to User stories, which is a big misunderstanding. People with this misunderstanding, and continuing to gather requirements in the name of user stories would end up creating bucket of features list.

One of the key point I learnt from Jeff’s session on User Story mapping was the importance of the good facilitator. During the user story mapping workshop, he was able to gather the stories by asking the right set of questions.

Don’t get bogged down by the formula

 Formula Nowadays it is increasingly becoming popular to follow the user story template 




As a [role], I can [feature] so that [reason]

However, Jeff made it clear that there is no harm in using the above template however don’t get bogged down with this formula. Understand the intent behind the above template and create the stories in your way.

Jeff also touched upon the importance of Personas.

Blogger Labels: Agile,Bengaluru,ASCI,Delivery,presentation,Jeff,Patton,Dave,User,Story,info,technique,Here,gist,Most,Features,People,requirements,bucket,importance,facilitator,workshop,formula,Nowadays,template,role,Understand,Personas


  1. Thanks for posting this

  2. Thanks you posted it. I missed this as was attending another track. But heard it was good, so it's helpful.
