
Saturday, April 26, 2008

State of Indiana Makes Using Waterfall SDLC’s a Criminal Offense

Recently I came across this article which claims state of Indiana passing a bill against use of Waterfall SDLC.

Read the first para of the article here ....

Waterfall software development lifecycles have terrorized technology projects in this state for too long,” Governor Mitch Daniels said at a simple signing ceremony held at a meeting of the Central Indiana chapter of the Project Management Institute (PMI). “This bill will end the tyranny of big upfront planning, big upfront design, and litigation style change management.”
The bill, which goes into effect immediately, will make it a criminal offense to use software development lifecycles
that divide software projects into serially executed phases
distinguished by a particular type of work activity. Violators will be
stripped of their project management certifications and could face up to six weeks in jail for their first offense.

Read the complete article here.

The article has been written with such a perfection that people would take some time to realize that this is a joke :-)

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